Operating and optimizing company-wide security systems as well as identifying current threats, assessing possible impacts and resolving hazards.
The main differences by competency level are as regards: – Main areas of activity: operational, conceptual, strategic, – Scope: e.g. number of systems, – Complexity: e.g. nature of hazards and systems,
Operate, control and monitor enterprise-wide ICT security systems
Analyze security events and their potential impact on ICT systems in terms of hardware, software and communication networks and services
Initiate and coordinate emergency measures such as protective, interim, avoidance and escalation measures in the case of events that threaten security
Coordinate defense against and resolution of events that threaten security with in-house security managers and specialists as well as with suppliers and external service providers operating in the ICT security sector
Develop tools to complement the security systems used and to identify security events more efficiently
Contribute to the development of solutions and decision-making tools based on security requirements and needs
Assist in the evaluation and procurement of security systems and tools
Transfer security systems and tools to live operations and the existing system environment
Set up logging procedures and interfaces to the existing system environment
Perform and document tests based on test concepts
Evaluate the effectiveness of the security precautions taken
Initiate further measures to improve security
Investigate criminal activities in the ICT environment in terms of groupings, targets and methods of attack and their possible impact on the enterprise